Videoconference Installation and Fault Finding
Non manufacturer specific training for engineers in the videocommunications field has not really existed until now. While on the job training is still a large part of your training program Video Conference Services Limited now offers an introductory course for engineers.
The training aims to introduce staff to the terminologies used in the industry and the standards that govern it. It explains H323/SIP and ISDN and provides practical installation and faultfinding on at least 3 types of equipment from desktop to room systems. This course is practically based and great for both administrators and engineers.
Course details:2 day course. Maximum number per course is 6. Open courses cost just 599 GBP/799 Euro per person Course BreakdownInstallation and
Fault Finding
Video Conference Environment
Installing and configuration
MultiPoint Conferencing
Fault finding and diagnostics
Firewall Issues
Advanced Services